Congrats to my lifelong clients Nicole and Jason Massaro on their new baby Jackson. This shoot was done at their home with my portable studio, which is perfect for new parents who don't want to leave home!!! I think I have shot their engagements, wedding, maternity pictures, and now new baby shoot and family pics. Unlike other wedding vendors, I get to see the clients again after the wedding. That is the coolest thing about being a wedding photographer, being able to watch get married and start their families right in front of my camera lens. I am there for all of the most important times in life, and I am grateful for that privilege. After being married 11 years now, and having 3 boys of my own, I really have an understanding of the "process" of marriage and children. Considering I want to be a Marriage and Family therapist one day, I hope that along this journey of life and my photography business I am also starting to understand the "process" of life! I also love that many of my clients have become friends and that is a great job perk!
Welcome baby Jackson into the world, as these proud parents love their baby boy! Oh and yes, I love baby feet and baby shoots in B& W and sepia! :)
I LOVE is part of what I HAVE to capture! :)
There is something about a man's hands, a wedding band, and a baby, that is incredibly sweet an powerful, especially to women!
These are beautiful photographs! Great job!